Best amp for $550 to mate with the following...

My budget is $550 max on a power amp to mate with my Theta Miles cd player and NHT VT-1.2 tower speakers. I'm running the Miles direct into the amp (therefore using its analog volume control). Locally, I have a lead on an Adcom GFA-5802 for $550 or an Audio Refinement Multi 2 for $445.

Other possibilities/recommendations?
Here are few that would be close to that price:

Classe 10 or CA100 (as Ray mentioned), the Seventy IMHO, wouldn't be enough power for your speakers which are 86db.

Sonographe SA250

Odyssey Stratos

Parasound A23

Emotiva has several amps that would work well.
Go to Class D Audio's website. You can buy a complete amp, a complete kit, or amp modules/power supplies. In any case, they are an indredible bargain, beautifully made, with high quality parts (in the USA), and are one of the best sounding amps I've ever had, after 40+ years at this.

Better than VAC, Plinius, Aragon, Parasound, etc.
