Best amp for $550 to mate with the following...

My budget is $550 max on a power amp to mate with my Theta Miles cd player and NHT VT-1.2 tower speakers. I'm running the Miles direct into the amp (therefore using its analog volume control). Locally, I have a lead on an Adcom GFA-5802 for $550 or an Audio Refinement Multi 2 for $445.

Other possibilities/recommendations?
An Emotiva amp would be a good, solid choice. The XPA-200 would work quite well for $499. Plenty of power and a great warranty.
You can get the Odyssey only a few years old. I would have some concerns about the 20 year old amps that were great in their day.
I second the Emotive suggestion, particularly if used with balanced interconnects. Good hunting.
I'm using a 7 channel Emotiva amp in one of my systems. It started out sounding OK... but now that it has 100 hours or so on it I'm starting to be impressed. A lot of performance for the money!