To biwire or not to biwire, that is the question??

Thanks for taking the time to read. I have sifted through the mound of information regarding biwiring but have yet to come to a clear yes or no on the matter.

My question is as follows: Using a single 2CH amplifier run to speakers that are set-up to biwire utilizing a biwire cable (2 connections amp end/ 4 connections speaker end)should return no greater result than running a single wire to that same speaker and utilizing jumpers??? My reading suggests that unless you are bi-amping, simply taking the source of the signal at the amp, (2 connections) and splitting that into (4 connections at the speaker) is not positively affecting the sound?? Bi-amping on the other hand may return an improved sound as the signals are isolated and could affect the resistance of the load?

So I guess what my reading has indicated is that if you are only running a single amp (2 connections) to a bi-wire ready speaker (4 coonnections) you are really paying for a cable that has additional ends but should return no great end product as the signals are technically not distinct as in the case of using 2 ampsor an amp set up for bi-amping?

Any thoughts are welcome as this seems to be an endless debate???
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I have bi-wired my VR4 HSE's and my Kef REference 3s and noticed no difference. Neither did my girlfriend :) I like the "idea" of bi-wiring, I have to admit.
Some speakers sound better bi-wired, some do not. the only way to find out is to try both methods. Cables should be of the same brand and model.Many speaker manufactures offer bi-wire because that is in fashion like balanced interconnects, but do not believe it sounds any better. Some speaker manufactures design with bi-wire in mind and the speakers sound better bi-wired. The best method is to try both and decide for yourself which you prefer.If you prefer a single run,replace the factory jumpers with a pair of same brand jumpers as your speaker cable.

This will really confuse you more. I have Merlin VSM speakers and used to biwire them. Then I just used single wire and very good jumpers and prefer this setup.
Thanks for the replies.

The science suggests that by utilizing a single wire that is biwired (2) connections to (4) connections that you are lowering resistance at the point of the crossover and the binding posts and pushing that all the way towards the amplifier, not sure I buy that, but the theory sounds good....

I guess the only real way to get an answer here is to attempt to run single wires with jumpers and then run biwired cables and go back an forth. Problem there is that different wires will sound different, different speakers will work 'better' with certain types of wire and so on........

I see many offerings for jumpers here on agon and some of then get quite expensive. I ask myself why would someone purchase single-wire cables and then go through the trouble of purchasing jumpers when the alternative of just purchasing biwired cables is there from the start.

My local high end shop suggests the following:

Purchase the highest quality of single-wire you can afford and then utilize jumpers (aftermarket, after you have thrown away what comes with the speakers). They feel the science of biwiring without utilizing 2 amplifiers or amps not designed to bi-amp is more sales that fact.

What I have found is that everyone seems to have an opinion.