Room size for large speakers?

What would be the ideal room size for large floorstanding speakers?
I have a 23x23x9 sized family/audio/theater room with a pair of Verity Audio Parisifal Ovations. They KICK BUTT! They have no problem filling the room full of energy filled music.

IMO many are way to quick to advise on small speakers, they can be and are great but nothing compares to a large speakers scale. I am in a 14X24 dedicated room and run near 6ft tall speakers with 3 10' Woofers, ribbon mids and tweets. I am only saying if you want a large floorstander you should ofcourse audition one in your room and not dismiss a particular speaker based on matter what size speaker audition is always a must.
In a thread I had initiated back in June '06, I had posed a similar question. One informed individual advised that in THX terms, a large room would be anything over 4500 ft3 in size and any room under 3500 ft3 would be considered small. So I guess medium is in between these two. But this remains subjective and open for discussion. Opinions can vary of course.