Ayre MX-R Twenty upgrade

I just received my MX-R amps back from Ayre post upgrade. The upgrade is unbelievably apparent. With just a few hours of running the most noticeable improvements are in dynamics and bass. The soundstage has widened as well. I am finally hearing what Wilson X-2.2 bass is capable of. Associated equipment is Ayre KX-5 preamp, Ayre QB-9 DSD, and Shunyata Zitron cabling. I highly recommend the upgrade. It's really shocking how much more dynamic, clear, and powerful the sound is.
Thank you. Ayre's upgrade process is really fair to the customer- the difference in retail price between the old and new models. Ayre has provided excellent customer service over the years. Overall could not be happier with the upgrade and all of my Ayre equipment.
Anyone out there compared the AX-5 to the AX-5 Twenty?

I've heard the AX-5 and thought it was nearly as good as the original KX-R/MX-R. All of these upgrades make me agree re: "I really feel that Ayre now makes the best SS gear you can get."
I am seriously considering replacing my ARC Reference tube separates with an Integrated and an AX-5 Twenty is on my very short list along with Simaudio 600i and one from Pass perhaps. Need around 100w/ch to drive a pair of Verity Audio Parsifal Encore. Room is 16' x 25' x 8'.

I have very limited experience with SS as i have been with tube electronics for the past 30 years. Would still need a phono preamp but i could keep my Ref Phono2 with the likes of an AX-5. There are so many SOTA SS integrated nowadays.

If anyone can chime in on the performance of an AX5 i would appreciate.
Wow where to start? I was a tube guy since 1982 and Ayre made me switch. I've heard their whole product line other than a broken in AX5/20. Their ref 20 gear is at another level. It is the best of all worlds. Clean, detailed, inky black backgrounds, extended on both ends, tuneful, tight, no congestion ever, luscious and the list goes on. It's just real and fast. Honestly, I'd like to see them call it an AX-R/20 as I'm sure it will sound nearly as good as the ref gear just much less power. It's already so dynamic without ever being harsh. I've heard the ayre on various Wilsons, Vandersteen 7 down to my own Treo's to Focal to Rockports to Thiel 3.7 to Gallo to Paradigm sig 8 to Dynaudio to KEF Blade to Pro Ac and B&W. They are the first amps that just let you hear what the rest of your system is doing. Fast tuneful and quiet are words that come to mind easily.