Wilson Audio Owners.....Sophia's

Hello everyone, how good are the Wilson Sophia's?
What kind of an amplifier are using for these speakers?

General Nature of them, are they darker , warmer or very forward sounding. Just some general ideas to draw is what I need. Thanks

I currently use an Ayre amp, with wonderful results. I also use an Audio Research ls 26 pre-amp and have found that to be a great match as well. Finally, I certainly agree with all of the positive descriptions about the sound of the Sophias, but acoustic instruments and vocals are particularly stunning. And not just female vocals--pull out some of the 1950s Sinatra capitals on LP and you'll be blown away.
There's a pair of Audio Research REF 210 monos for sale on Audiogon that would match well with your Sophias.
i auditioned the sophia 2's at length before moving up to the w/p 8. the sophia 2s have superb coherence, staging, and excellent transparency overall, especially at low listening volume levels. set up, as mentioned , is critical, as is amp matching. if you choose an amp that is not nimble, the speakers will sound sluggish, but if you choose an amp that is edgy or very aggressive, such as older krell, you may have to go for all tubes upstream. the arc ref amps mentioned previously are wonderful [but make sure you have an excellently resolving pre]. i experienced superb overall liquidity and a great lower end command with pass labs x350.5. i felt it gave much greater clarity and wt than the arc ref 110. i did not hear the speakers with the ref 210. if you go with a s/s amp, you may want to consider a tube preamp. also, do not slight investigation of speaker cables. consider them a component in the speaker+cable+amp triumverate. cheers.