speaker recommendations?

hi, new here, and i'm bulding my first system. after getting a few recommendations for turntables and other things in the analog forums, i was suggested that i should pop in here and ask about speakers. im looking to spend around 3-5 hundred for a pair. i have a fairly small room (8x8) and i like both a warm tone, but nice tight bass (if the two can overlap at all) would you guys be able to possibally throw a few ideas at me so i have a few good ideas when i go out to look for speakers?


whats up chuck? if you go analog and are serious you better cough up some coin for hi quality speakers or you won't get the benefit of the analog end of it. (assuming you are not buying a technics tt and a 40$ cartridge). you have a tiny space and only option is gonna be smaller monitors that can handle near wall placement o.k.. sealed design or front ported. room too small for true deep bass waves to develop. i reccomend you go to a quality dealer and tell him what you are doing before you start building a system you will regret. not being a know-it-all but you need some big picture advice before you start spending $$$ unless you have unlimited $$$ to blow. good luck! 'warm and tight'? i think we all want that man.
In a small room and on that budget I would look at the entry level Vandersteen speakers or a good old fashioned great budget speaker like DCM Time Windows.