After 60 hours of preconditioning I could not stand the silence anymore, and decided to give the RCA 6AS7G tube set a try. So I put the MA-1 amps from Standby (yellow) to On (red light). No misbehaviour or arcing so far, having played for three hours. Sound? Short version: not looking back, these tubes stay, my Russian/Chinese (Atma-sphere stock tubes) have now become extras. Tested with some favorite LPs, Can: Future days, Cohen: Ten new songs, Stranglers: Feline, Alan Parsons Project: Eye in the sky - all very good indeed. It is a bit of give and take though. The Russian may measure better, more top and bottom frequency, more upfront sound, but to my ears they are also fatiguing and hard. The RCAs may be more rounded off, but the musical illusion is better. Like my wife said, "they are more silent so you can hear more detail". Only trouble so far - some noise from 1-2 tubes in the right channel, off and on, seems to go away when I rap them, may need replacement.