Afraid of too much bass...

I will soon be moving into a smaller house, where my listening room will be 13 X 18. With a room that size, would I be better off with standmounters or full range speakers?
The reason I ask is because I sometimes think that with a room that small, full range speakers might provide too much bass. As I don't have lots of space for placement due to the size of that room, which is better?
Right now I have Focal JM Lab Chorus 816V, but I am looking to change them anyways in order to get something with richer mids, maybe a textile dome for smoother highs. My amp is presently Creek Evo, but I am very tempted by the Creek Destiny. CDP is Rega Apollo.

Main question: standmounters or full range, independently of the amp issue.

Thanks everyone for your input!

You have fine speakers with smooth highs. They are a bit finicky about placement in a room though. I would say try something other than creek amps first.
Thanks everyone!

So far, looks like I'll be allright. Yes, I know I should listen first, and I soon as I get there, in about a month. You see, my problem is trying to come up with solutions for problems that might or might not arise.

Pdn - Yes, my room will be carpetted, and there will be furniture, so that will surely help.

Rotarius - What might you see as a problem with Creek amps? I have read a lot of reviews (yes, I know I should listen, but I've got to start somewhere, as I can't listen to everything!), and those reviews have all been quite impressive.

Thanks again.

"You see, my problem is trying to come up with solutions for problems that might or might not arise."

No, your problem is worrying about things before you know if there is a problem. This is not life and death. Chill out, put your gear in the new room when you can, and then start the process of tuning the room to the gear and vice versa. Try to enjoy the process, don't let it own you...

Best Wishes,

RW - I guess I got caught!!! You're right, though. Listen first, then tune (if need be).
