How particluar are Dynaudio C-4's to room placement?

I don't have the choice of allowing for more than maybe 24 inches behind my speakers to the wall and I'm wondering how tolerant C-4's are?
C4's are definitely room dependant and can overwhelm a small room. Mine are approx. 40" off the back wall... although you can probably compensate a shorter distance with bass traps and assorted room treatments. My room is 21' x 15' with 7' ceilings... I would not recommend using C4's in a room much smaller than that. I was about to give up on my C4's, until I spent $600 on room treatments... now I'm relieved and very happy with the C4's. I'm thinking about selling my trusty REL Storm III subwoofer, as the C4's have all the muscle my room can handle.
The C4's have prodigious bass. Being rear ported, you're taking quite a risk if you can only get them two feet off the wall.

I have a large open room just not too much leeway in the rear. I can swing as much as 30-35 inches from the rear of the speaker but no more. Plenty of room (at least 6 feet) on the sides. Otherwise they're in the middle of the living room floor and in the way. Do you think that will be a problem?
You will have to experiment. My hunch is that you will probably be OK with them pulled out 35" from the back wall to the rear of the speaker, especially considering you will have 6 feet on the sides (vs. my 36" to the side wall). However, I can't emphasize enough that room treatments made a considerable difference in my room... and I never felt the need for room treatments prior to owning the C4 (previous speakers were the C2 & 1.3SE's).

What are the dimensions of your room?