Might I suggest a game plan for you?
1. Call Tyler today and ask about pricing, options and amplification.
2. If you decide to pull the trigger but don't have the ideal amp to drive them, just use the amp you have now and change out amps later. The speakers will still sound great with 50 watts (I don't know how many watts you currently have), they just won't be in "full bloom." As time goes on, pick up your ideal amp.
The speakers are that good, IMO, to buy first. Speakers now and amp later if you must. Hope this helps.
Might I suggest a game plan for you?
1. Call Tyler today and ask about pricing, options and amplification.
2. If you decide to pull the trigger but don't have the ideal amp to drive them, just use the amp you have now and change out amps later. The speakers will still sound great with 50 watts (I don't know how many watts you currently have), they just won't be in "full bloom." As time goes on, pick up your ideal amp.
The speakers are that good, IMO, to buy first. Speakers now and amp later if you must. Hope this helps.