Time to move on, Quad, Coincident or Ref 3a

I am feeling like it is time to take the plunge and try another new speaker, after all life is short to experience one too long. So here is my short list, Quad 2805/2905, Coincident Super Eclipse 3, Reference 3a Grand Veena and VR4 SR. Musicality is one aspect I cant give up. Any comments and experiences will really be appreciated and help to ease the process.


The basic question: are you happy with them??

Franks :

I will be using antique sound labs cadenza 845 push pull or antique sound labs 805 explorer single ended. Both splendid machines imho.

Kehut :

Thanks but that sounds like a step into terra incognito. I may not be prepared for it yet.

Please consider the Manger Zerobox 109, or if the space and budget allows a Zerobox 103/3.
Quad 2805 or Reference 3A Grand Veena would be my choices- both are very musical and are audiophile favorites The Reference are smaller "visually" and might "fit in" a greater variety of room situations from what I have read. I've owned Quad's several times and loved them. Still, I always considered them a speaker for mid to small music and never seemed to have the weight for big music pieces. Let your ears, music tastes and room guide on this one. Good luck.
alumet1969 yes i am happy with them. they seem to like the no feedback switch on my music reference rm9. my rm9 used to have a low, medium, and high feedback /dampning that i had changed to no,low,and medium feedback. the whole speaker sounds constricted as feedback is increased. wish i had more room in my room though. the high end is so extended i want to audition a revel 15a sub so the bass is as extended as the treble... the veena clearly announces all changes in equipment and the smallest of location changes. great results require work & patience