Digital Amplifier Questions

I've been wondering the following:

1. Do digital amps benefit from being left on 24/7in the same way the ss amps do?

2. Is plugging a digital amp into a different outlet as your preamp as crucial compared to a ss amp?

3. Do digital amps have small transformers? If so, is distancing equipment from one another less important? (My peachtre Nova Pre/220 look best stacked)

4. When upgrading power cords on a digital amp, do you look for cords that do well with digital gear like your preamp and dac, or do you still go for a beefy cord?

I apologize ahead of time for my ignorance on the matter! Thanks!

I had a Peachtree 220, 220se, and Grand Integrated. The 220se has the best overall sound. With the exception of the Grand, initially I enjoyed the sound of both the 220 and 220se... I never liked the Grand. After a couple of months, to my ears the Peachtree had a thin sound and something just never sounded right.
Recently I've listened to a friends Jeff Rowland 125 and with the exception of bass impact, it was one of the best amplifiers I've ever heard. I confess that's the only amplifier that I've had in my system that presented a three dimensional image.
Kijanki...what a great response. Hearing and tech analysis agreeing on something. What a concept!
Hi Richard, I suspect that the perceived lack of bass impact with Rowland M125 in your system might have been a meer lack of overall power rather than an architecture issue in the device... Assuming that the overall size of images and stage was not too far from desired when using a single unit, If you used a pair of M125s in bridged configuration you would likely to achieve correct base response, and overall excellent imaging and staging proportions. G.

I agree it was just a lack of overall power(my room is 20'x26'). The image size and stage was the best I've ever heard. We had this conversation privately. My plans are to get a 525. I really love the Jeff Rowland sound.
Hi B_limo,

I've got the Peachtree Grand Integrated X-1, which combines the pre, amp and dac, so questions 2 and 3 won't apply.

For question 1, I honestly don't hear sound difference between sitting down to listen after the unit has been powered for 10 minutes vs. 5 hours, so I shut mine down most of the time when not in use just to save electricity.

For question 4, before I bought the Peachtree I called them up with some questions. I don't remember whether I asked them, or they asked me what my plan was for the power cord, but the question came up and I said that I was just planning to use the stock cord it came with. Their answer, and I'm only paraphrasing minimally, was "good, don't waste your money on a power cord, the one it comes with is all you need". That's just what they told me, so use that information however you like.

Just for kicks, I have tried the power cord from my Audio Research integrated and I can't hear a difference so I just use the stock Peachtree cord. For what it's worth, the Grand X-1 sounds as good as the Audio Research - my wife and I can't tell them apart sonically.

I hope you're enjoying your Nova Pre/220 combo as much as I enjoy the Grand X-1. Peachtree makes some good gear.