Speakers and depth...


I am currently running a pair of DM560's from B&W with a 3020 and I really love this combination but I am not achieving the kind of depth of the soundstage that I should. I was wondering if changing to a pair of Castle's or something similar that are known for depth would help??

Any speaker suggestions?? Other suggestions??


Good point - as you figured out - I merged "distance" and "depth" in my comments .....how far something is away versus how "deep" is the perceived soundstage.

Thanks for clarifying and making my comments clearer. If I understand correctly - you are saying that a system that is designed to sound distant cannot give as deep a soundstage as it will tend to make all recordings sound distant. Did I get it?
speakers that sound distant compress the depth of field. they also sound deeper than they do, wide.
a speaker with a hole in the mids sounds distant. play a soloist in front of an orchestra on one of these speakers and it sounds like a distant wall of music.
play it on a speaker with a more uniform midrange and the soloist will sound closer to you. but the back of the orchestra and rear hall wall show much more contrast to the soloist as far as layering and ambient information is concerned. the stage width sounds more equal to the depth too.
increase your speaker distance from the front wall, if you can, and also remove items from in between the speakers, like equipment stands or TV's, if you can.

if you can make those modifications in speaker placement to your system and it still doesn't work, then perhaps it is time to purchase a new pair speakers or amplifier. you would be very surprised how much an amplifier can affect the sense of soundstage depth. if you do not have the ability to adjust your speaker placement due to other room-use constraints, then you are forced to compromise your system and shouldn't expect to achieve optimum performance from your system.
The improvement in soundstage lies in a change of speakers. You mention that the "room is good",so we can assume that battle against reflections has already been won.

I suggest the Morrison Audio point-source omni-directional Model 17: these speakers should quickly solve your problem. They deliver the richness and depth of a recording, and you'll know where all the instruments and vocalists are located.