Vandersteen 5A vs Mcintosh XRT28

I've had the 5A's for almost a year and while I do love their sound I'm thinking of trying something different ;) I heard the XRT28's at RMAF in 2007 or 2006 - don't remember exactly which and I really liked them. Do you guys think I'm going to regret it? I can do a trade with a dealer on the speakers. My Cary 211 amps are rated at 110wpc and I feel that may not be enough drive the 28's properly. My room is 15x23x14 with an open back. I like that the 5A's have 400wpc sub amps - the 28's do not and are about the same efficiency(88). Just looking for some opinions - I know this is an open ended question that only hearing both side by side would answer but that isn't possible.
Thanks in advance ;)
The vandersteen 5a are superb reference speakers and are destined to become a classic. They are very flexible, can be easily suited to most rooms and do not require a boatload of power to drive. If they are working out for you in your room with your amp, then I would keep them. If you want to try something different, keep in mind that you will be taking your chances getting a speaker as room and amp friendly as the 5a's. If that does not bother you, then go ahead and get something else but hold on to the 5a's until you are sure the newcomer is a step in the right direction. Otherwise you may be sorry you got rid of the vandersteens. There are not too many speakers out there that can better the 5a's.
I heard the XRT28 a few times and they are just awesome speakers and will make the hair on your back of your neck stand up. The 5a can get a little boring sometimes. I can see why you are thinking of changing. Same thing happened to me.
thanks for the responses. I do have to say that I've never been bored of the 5A sound, maybe just the look ;) The deal wants my 5A's + 2K... I'm thinking I should just leave well enough alone....
he problem (or salvation) from changing to the xrt28's is you become a member of 'blue meter cult'. the rest of your system will be sacrificed to be replaced by the stuff with the big blue meters. it is possible to stop at the speakers, but mac already knows the odds of that are not good. the 5a's are indeed an end all audio product.....but mac is a religion, and starting with speakers puts you squarely in the choir.