Pickup SRA - starting from a 500x microscope

I am not sure if my Lyra Atlas has the right SRA. Can other owners contribute? I have bought a 500x usb microscope, but it remains hard to find the exact angle. It is easy to get the angle of the record (or platter - I use a mirror), but very hard to get the angle of the stylus. I use the Cooling Tech software but it does not solve my problems. Trying to estimate the angle I cannot set the crosses sufficiently exact, and end up with values like 88, 90, 94 - varying all over the place.
I have only taken a few pictures so far, and could perhaps improve them. Tips and info welcome.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Should add, makes me thankful I am no longer one. Probably never was, but saw myself getting there. My sympathies.
Shoot me an email so I can forward you some photos of how to do this on a Lyra Atlas. They were made by Wally Malewicz and are quite easy to understand, basically measuring the angle in both sides of the stylus, then make a simple calculation.


Good listening

Peter offers good advice. I have used some free software called ImageJ and it works great. Measures to within a hundredth of a degree. I usually take three to five measurements and average them. My current SRA on a dyna XV-1T is 92.08 - ImageJ is very accurate.
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I agree that small changes in SRA are noticeable, I do however subscribe to the idea that starting from a technical correct point is the proper way to go.

Good Listening
