Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please

Hello all:

I found and read a couple of older threads regarding these speakers, I've been talking with the dealer, and I have read everything I could find on the internet. I understand the DSP's role and the need to bi-amp. The last step befor I plunk down the plastic, is to ask those of you that have them what you think?

What are the pluses and minuses? If you have had them for a couple of months are you still happy? any regrets?

Best regards,

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Tvad..As I understand it...The point is that the one dealer has vast experience in the retail sector for marketing purposes. This enables better advertising and marketing for EP and allows EP to concentrate on building and filling orders which are at a break neck pace!
I for one have enjoyed my friends set of CS2s. Every time I hear them I'm amazed at how good they sound.
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