Pickup SRA - starting from a 500x microscope

I am not sure if my Lyra Atlas has the right SRA. Can other owners contribute? I have bought a 500x usb microscope, but it remains hard to find the exact angle. It is easy to get the angle of the record (or platter - I use a mirror), but very hard to get the angle of the stylus. I use the Cooling Tech software but it does not solve my problems. Trying to estimate the angle I cannot set the crosses sufficiently exact, and end up with values like 88, 90, 94 - varying all over the place.
I have only taken a few pictures so far, and could perhaps improve them. Tips and info welcome.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Good thread at Audioshark.org with comments and pics of SRA. To see the pics you have to log in.

Thanks for this Phil. Can you calculate angles with Pixelstix as well or do you just import your image into Pixelstix, correct the image to 180 degrees and then move it to ImageJ to calculate the angles? I will download ImageJ.

Indeed, for me getting a perfect 180 degree image to start with is very difficult.

Thanks for the link too.
One problem I can think of with using the trusted ear method of determining the proper angle, any of the angles involved, is that you never know when you have achieved a local minimum, in terms of distortion. That is why a technical method should yield better results. Analogous to trying to determine the ideal best sounding speaker locations by ear. Technical solutions should yield better results than ye olde move a little, listen a little method.
SMoffat - You can use Pixelstix for both horizontal and angle calculation. Sorry I should have mentioned this sooner is another good 'horizontal' calculation program is Go Horizontal. Its costs less than $5 too and is even more simple to use.

I would go with Go Horizontal for the 180, and then ImageJ for the angle calculation. Pixelstix combines both but is more complicated to use.
Something to keep in mind is that all LPs are different- so the 92 degree SRA should be considered an approximation.

The simple fact of the matter is that the cutting stylus only lasts about 10 hours before replacement is required to continue doing low noise cuts on the lacquer. To replace the stylus, the cutting engineer has to remove the cutterhead from the lathe to do the job. Once done, it is then a matter of re-installing the cutterhead and getting it to work right again. That involves a number of test cuts until a number of the variables are worked out. These include stylus temperature, cutting angle, cutting depth and pressure (similar to tracking pressure, but cutting instead and somewhere between 60 and 70 grams is typical on our cutterhead).

The simple fact is that while you have to have a certain rake angle, in practice it might be 92 degrees and it might not. What it is will be whatever was required to get the cutterhead to cut a groove properly. As a result, all LPs are slightly different; 92 degrees is a good average.