Best speaker for small room?

Hi, looking at different speaker systems that would work in a small (10'X10') listening room. I want something tonally accurate that image really well. Can be full range or small as I can add a small sub if need be. I've been considering single driver speakers (although I've never owned a pair), monitors, and floorstanders. My associated components are a McIntosh MC-7300, Juicy Music Peach Tube Preamp, and a Denon DVD-2930ci (for CD and SACD playback). Any suggestions on the speakers? I'm looking preowned $1500 or less.
If you can try the Dynaudio Focus 140's. I just purchased these for my small room 11 x 15. Great speaker.
Omega Super Hemp, Usher Be, M&D new higher db. version, GMA monitors , Zu Tones.
All in or just above your target mark.

I am about to get new M&D minis for my second system powered with Red Wine Audio sig.30 amp. with volume control , Consonance Droplet CDP for now and possibly adding modded Peachtree preamp with Sonos later.

Above mentioned speakers are all excellent , it is just a matter of taste and synergy with your components.
Zu and Omegas are very easy to drive and sound great with SET and low power amps. GMA and M&D need a little more power.
I will drive the minis with only 30 wpc wich IMO is minimum for avg. listening level sesions. If I could , I would like to feed them with more(something like 60-100wpc)power but in my case it is more about the quality then quantity for low volume listening.YMMV

I would also like to suggest that you give Bob Backert a call. I have just finish talking to Steve from QFS about the potentials of Decco "wonder" preamp/integrated. We agreed that it would make wonderful mod piece that could be compared to a lot more expensive preamp/integrated amps out there after Bob's magic touch.