What speakers to get? Focal or B&W

What speakers should I go with all things considered. Price, Sound, Value, Quality, ect.... I am considering the Focal Profiles 928 $2,999 for the pair and the B&W 804s $4,500 for the pair.
Which ever of the speakers you choose, change you amplification fairly soon. You can't appreciate that quality of speaker to its best with a big box receiver.
Jamesw20 is probably right that you most likely would not get the most musically from either pair of speakers with an A/V receiver.

I've heard the Focal profile 918 with a $2500 Krell integrated at a local Tweeter store + the sound was fantastic, very open, lifelike, detailed, transparent and dynamic with a huge sound stage. For a while, I was seriously considering picking up a pair.

I'm almost always underwhelmed by B&Ws when I hear them. They tend to sound lifeless and stiff in the low end to me. I suspect they require very high end amplification in order to sound equally good.
I've owned several pair of b&w's and find the treble to be thin. Again, I think proper amp matching would help.