How many system makeovers to get to where u r now?

Because I have only limited experience, I couldn't say with certainty that what I own is the best out there. But those with plenty of system makeovers can shed some light for us newbies and not so newbies.
How many speakers came and went before you have found the one that satisfies and most likely will stick.
This can apply to amps and preamps as well, and sources for that matter.
Speakers, 12 pair about half commercial built, half built by me
Amplifiers, 14 mixed mono's, stereo, receivers
CD players, 9 plus not counted about 3 DAC's
Turntables, 3
Pre-amps, 11, some with built in phono, some with externalsÂ…
Different Rooms, about 5 or 6
Cables, forget about it! Many hand made, many that were way too much money!
All this since about 1994
And about 4 systems dabbled in surround sound and combination of surround and stereo so tack on some more crap that adds up that I will not even count at this point!
I too have a long ways to go!
Maybe I should have phrased the post differently, did anyone discover a component that will not get replaced?
Starting May last year,

Wharfedale 9.5's
Wharedale EVO2 30's
Monitor Audio RS6's
Dynaudio 72SE's
Image Studio Ref HD's
Dynaudio S1.4's Which I love and are keepers until I can afford C1's.
where i am is better then where i've been but where i'm going i believe is better still!

And so it goes...