Which amp to Bi-amp my Maggie 20.1

I am considering bi-amping my Maggie 20.1s’ I have two amps, one has 1,000 watts into 4 Ohms and the other has 500 into 4 Ohms (both ICE amps). The Maggies are 4 Ohm speakers. I will be bypassing the low pass crossovers with an active crossover at 130 Hz. 15 dB/oct., but I will be sending a full range signal into the mid / upper crossovers to power the upper half. My question is should I use the 500 watt on the bass panel and the 1,000 to the upper so that I won’t risk clipping into the mids and tweeter? I don’t think clipping will damage the bass panels. Please don’t think I going to “blast” the sound at killer high volumes, the amps my never clip, it’s just that the Maggies are very inefficient. Also since I am bypassing the low crossovers doesn’t that make the bass panel easier to drive? So anyway please give me your opinions and reasoning over which amp goes where? Thanks.
Drive the bass panels with the bigger amp, they require more wattage than the mids/tweets.

I once thought as Mr R does, then it occured to me that the vast percentage of the music actually is in the mid-range(250hz and up)and therefore sucks up the most power. As both of your amps are SS: I'd recommend the larger(IF it is the cleaner, more lucid of the two) on the top. The extra dynamic range will be more beneficial(sound wise) there. Of course: I'd also recommend trying it both ways to satisfy any doubts.
I agree with Rodman99999 - Use the larger amp for the mid and tweeter ranges. I recently read an article (wish I could remember where) that said that contrary to popular notion, the larger amp should be used to drive the upper ranges. I recently got a pair of 20.1s and would love to see some follow-up on this from you after you get hooked up. Trying the amps both ways is a good idea anyway.
Agree that, contrary to popular opinion, 200 Hz and up power measures almost as much as full range. I observed that raising the subwoofer X/O from 40 Hz to 200 or so (removing all that LF) caused surprisingly little reduction of power to the main speakers.
Spectron Musician III Signature monoblocks drives many Magnaplanars, good friend of mine has it with 20.1 and here is another review of the owner of 3.6


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