EL34 & 6L6 characteristics

I finally got my garage sale tubes tested out , thanks bigshutterbug !
I rolled in some EH 6L6's in place of my EH EL34's to compare . About as close to apples-to-apples as I can get .

I am asking if there is a tube that combines the characteristics of these two tubes ?
I like the warmth , body and bass of the EL34's and the top end , detail and air of the 6L6's . Is there something that would have all of these characteristics in one tube ?
Yes , I want it all !

Thank you
David, most 6L6 vs EL34 comparisons EL34 come out the reverse of what you listed. Then again, EH tubes often sound among them most lush in the spectrum.

Generally, I would stick with the EL34, but try other brands. JJ E34L will come across a lot more as you described the 6L6, and in the right amplifier put forth an absolutely glorious midrange that almost nothing else compares to. JJ and Shuguang EL34 will track closer to what you described the EL34. These three tubes will come in at quite modest cost. EH 6CA7 will present the most slam, though in an easy to live with presentation. Shuguang Black Treasure and old Mullard do sound a better than the others, though at a higher price.

Of course, the amplifier itself plays a role. Your PrimaLuna features autobias, which provides a lot of convenience, though some implementations do not yield as much sonic flexibility as others. I've not lived with a PL amp, so I don't know how they react. With an amp where you adjust the bias, you can sometimes better dial in the tubes to your taste.
Joe ;
That's interesting , you are saying that EL34's should show quite a bit more air and delicate detail than what these EH's are giving me ?
I did get a matched pair of JJ EL34L's , that 'test' good , but am hesitant to try them as I have heard some real horror stories ! HMMM .
I also have 4 Ruby EL34LCZ's that I understand are rebadged Shuguang's .
Thoughts ?
Thank you
David, yes an EL34 should normally sound more upfront and sunny than a 6L6. 6L6 generally sound more lush and romantic, which many prefer in this day where components run more forward and/or lean even if today's high-end audio tube amplifier manufacturers rarely employ it.

You might want to give your Shuguang EL34 a 50+ hour try out. I find Shuguang tubes quite underrated, perhaps because of their low price. In my experience, their standard 12AX7, EL34, KT88, and 5AR4 represent the most rugged current production tubes. So, I'd have no fear in swapping them in place of the EH.

As you mentioned, some JJ variants do have a somewhat deserved reputation for failure; the E34L included. Still, I would not worry about yours since they test well. But again, try the Shuguangs first, and see if they begin to step in the direction you are looking to move. The JJ E34L will not sound as full or as even handed from top to bottom as the Shuguangs, but often present a more notable midrange.

I didn't live with Gold Lion KT77, but they're a tube to consider. I never liked the JJ variant as much as most did when they came out. Depending on the amplifier and system, I prefer either the JJ EL34 or E34L, but their KT77 always places third in the race. I have a quad of the big bottle 6CA7, but haven't tried them. I do like the EH 6CA7 tremendously, even though I have a pretty strong dislike of most (too harsh) Sovtek and (too muddy) EH tubes.

Again, I don't know enough about your amplifier to determine how it reacts to its output tubes...