Change to Horns or stay Dynamic

After hearing some incredible horn systems, I am curious if anyone has switched from Dynamic or Planar speakers to horns and why? I am thinking about high end horn systems with compression drivers that operate full range. The bass needs to keep up with the speed of the midrange and highs. Preferably a full range horn system, rather than a hybrid.
Dgad, of course I've listened to horns.

You seem sold, so go ahead. I still doubt that your Wilsons are in their optimal positions.

I thought your were asking for advice and now that I re-read you OP I see that you may have already made up your mind. Sorry if I disturbed your euphoria.

I am curious what systems people had before and after a switch to horns. Or maybe in the reverse direction & why. Are you "happier" in the long run. I know it involves a major equipment change. Simplification in one way depending on direction. I need to do some listening to hear some of the full range / without crossover solutions some people love. I have heard some incredible dynamic speakers that don't use crossovers. Yet, for true full range extension additional bass drivers/horns and high power amplification will be needed at least for the bottom octave. And for the highs, maybe a supertweeter. I read somene selling of their line arrays w. a linear ribbon as well in favor of a horns system. I am curious if more people have done the same.

PS, my speakers are excellent, I just know there is a level up but for a price. That is the question. And it appears that for the money, speakers have the largest impact on sound.
I switched from dynamic speakers to Avantgarde Duo Omega horns. These are obviously not full range horns but the midrange clarity, detail and imaging are fantastic. I also feel that the bass is very good and well integrated so long as the level is matched sensibly.

I can't really describe in audiophile terms why (for me) horns hit the spot but they just do and leave me grinning from ear to ear. I think it is the sheer excitement of explosive transients (but at sensible dB levels) that makes the sound seem so 'live'.

The other advantage with efficient horns is that you can use simple and low power amps. I have tried a variety of amps ranging from Advantage, Avantgarde, Altmann BYOB and now Atmaspere OTL. All produced great music but valves seem to capture the subtlety of a musician so much better.
Go horns... Detail is amazing and dynamics like real music, after having had horns for a while my friends systems with dynamic speakers sound like a very nice reproduction of music, horns sound like music right there...I tried a lot of full rangers in open baffle and they were nice, but no challenge for real horns...Lowthers are very good with detail, untill you compare them face to face with a compression driver...For full range drivers you are going to have to add a super tweeter and a sub woofer to patch up a full ranger, and then get rid of any whizzers...
Horns are really the end of the road, they play everything well from a girl with guitar that will make your eyes watery to full Symphonies that will have your heart pounding!
The best soundstage I ever heard was with horns also, side to side, behind the speakers and IN FRONT of the speakers, you will never get that with dynamics speakers.

You are saying exactly what I experienced. What kind of speakers are you using? Do you feel the compression drivers are superior to the full range drivers as you explained above? I would love some more details.