best 4.5" midrange drivers under $1K

Hi folks,

was wondering if any could give suggestion for best midrange. prefer it can make clean audible output down to 100-150Hz, flat up to 5KHz, and has non-paper cone. currently using seas excel wcyex001 in a 3-way setup (alumunium ribbon en fiberglass midbass).

Funny, but I prefer paper for its snappy sound. Poly cones sound smoother but sort of dead IMHO.

Exactly my thinking. Poly makes a good material for two way woofer/midbass - not my first choice in a midrange though. It is funny how perceptions are different.
Shadorne, I would guess you are a fan of the dome midrange? What material? In some ways a dome midrange would be better than any cone-type driver. I don't know what they are.
Here is a cheap one albeit aluminum.
Are you saying that paper cones do not have quick transient response? If so, please explain how you reach that conclusion?
@pbb: I reached that conclusion subjectively and dont expect everyone to agree with me but they were too laid back and not quick enough for ribbons tw. Please chip in whats on your mind.
@cdc: thanks for the zaph's website, its very useful indeed, wonder if he can test Flex 4" and Accutons
@shadorne: Im trying to find to best my excel midrange, i know theyr colder than paper but to me they deliver clear and as-is presentation