Altec Lansing A7's 50's model

I am thinking about picking up a pair of these speakers. They are about 40 years old and in good condition according to the pictures. Can i get some feedbacks on the following topics?

1. The sonic signature of the A7's?
2. How much they worth?
3. Can they still be serviced?
4. How are they compare with modern speakers if this is a fair question?

Thanks for your help.
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas

I am one of those people who used an A7-500 and MC 60 in my home, when I was a graduate student and the A-7s were being surplused. As I previously noted, hard to beat for the horns in the triumphal march of Aida, but not my choice for a string quartet.

They can sound great with string quartet given SET amps or low wattage quality Push Pull. I've even driven mine with a 50 watt Accuphase with astounding results. Yes, to much power and mediocre electronics can make them honk, but this is not a trademark of Altec just poor set up.