speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
Learsfool : What preamp and amp are you using to drive those Klipsch Cornwall's and what preamp and amp is your uncle using to drive the Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater's ?
Musicnoise, as I said, I have to have tube amplification. Since I only recently put together my first high end system and budget was a huge factor for me, I went with a tube integrated amp - the new PrimaLuna Dialogue Two. I chose it for alot of reasons I won't go into at the moment. I am very happy with it, but eventually I will want to get separates; I am interested in SET amplifiers in particular - a friend of mine has a beauty that puts out just three quarters of a watt. He drives a single Klipschorn with it, for mono listening. Now that's old school! Of course, many of those old mono LP's from the "golden age" of audio sound fantastic. They certainly do not record orchestras nowadays anywhere near as well as they did in the 50's and 60's.

My uncle drives his Altecs with an Assembly ST-40, along with the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A pre. He also uses some Fane horn tweeters with the Altec's, by the way. He's pretty old school, too, as am I.

I will say that I am indeed a fan of the McIntosh tube amps, especially the MC275. I forget which one you said you had, but assuming it's a tube amp, I wouldn't change it if you really like it. It will match well with horns or pretty much anything.
"They certainly do not record orchestras nowadays anywhere near as well as they did in the 50's and 60's. "

There are a lot of amazing orchestral recordings from that era on original vinyl and remastered beautifully to CD. Today's recordings are a different breed for sure!
Learsfool: Thank you for your detailed and informative reply. Truly a scholar and a gentleman.

841 posts
06-06-2008 10:19am

Speakers that will be used for symphonic music need to have enormous headroom to handle the scale and volume of a large orchestra (few speakers are able), and need to be voiced correctly in the mid's and upper-mid's so as not to mess up the sound of strings (few are).

Yes Raquel
Mids are everything in classical, speakers must achieve pure fidelity in midrange, 
(few are) Agree