Speaker advice?

I'm beginning to look into options for a new set of speakers. For the last 4 years or so I've been running a pair of Infinity 3500 speakers that I picked up at an estate sale for $50. They sound quite good, but I think I could do much better. Bass reproduction is good, but I think I'm looking for a bit more resolution.

My associated equipment: VPI Scout, Ear 834P Phono, Rotel 1062 Integrated Amp, Rotel 991 CD player.

I'm looking for a pair of floorstanding/full rangevspeakers (used is ok, even preferable) in the ballpark of $1500 with posts for bi-wiring. I would be using the Rotel Integrated for now, but in the future I intend to go with Blue Circle seperates (I'm looking at BC22, BC24, or BC26 amps with BC3 preamp) so I'd like something that would work well with them.

I listen to mostly rock music. I'm no bass freak, but I think speakers should deliver bass that's proper to the music (and I really have no complaints in that dept. with the Infinity's, which have two 8" woofers). Don't want a subwoofer either.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking in the direction of the Spendor S8e or S5e's.

Vandersteens are great (especially for the price), but I think that Rotel may be underpowered for them.
Any opinions on Mission?

I took a look at the Revel and Usher. Those look like a lot of speaker for my room.

I'm going to start looking up some places to audition these.

thanks everyone for your help.
While I love Vandersteen and hope you look into them take a look at the new DCM speakers, for around a grand they really left me and others smiling at the NYC audio show last spring.
I would consider the Nautilius line from B&W or the Harbeth line - different presentation but both quite competitive and universal regarding type of music to reproduce and easy of placement.
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