Which Sub. Rel B-1 or Fathom F-113

Thinking about adding a sub. to my 2-channel system. I have a pair of Martin Logan Summit's. I am still trying to decide if I realy need a sub. with these fine speakers.
What do people think in matter.

Frank, are you using rolling off the signal to your main speakers with a high pass, or are you just running the mains full spectrum? Thanks, Peter
Peter, I considered an upscale external crossover to roll off the signal into the Sarastros (and I know many would think that would be prefereable). However, when I got the Fathoms in and set them up (with the ARO done separately on each speaker), the integration was so seamless and the sound has been so good I never felt the need to add all of the extra connections, components and cost. So yes, I am running the Sarastros full range.
If you check HT Shack Subwoofer test you will see data on the JL F113 - it is pretty impressive (although distortion is a wee bit high - and compression does become an issue - however it is amazingly good for such a small sub - appears to beat everything else that size)

I am in favor of a sealed box for a sub like the JL (and the Rel B-1 is ported - so I am not sure what that does to the impressive low group delay of older generation Rel's - as I have not seen any data on the B-1 so far)
I have a pair of jl audio fathom 113 used for my 2ch system with stats and an external xover--they are the best subs I have ever owned --not only is bass extension great but the bass quality ie timbre is exceptional--also have one in a separate HT system and it adds to the movies musical scores as well as with deep bass --they are just exceptional subs---Rich--good luck -
Thanks everybody for your fine advise. I will know have to go to my dealer and listen to the fathom 113.

thanks again
