why not use biamped studio monitors?

My brother is a sound engineer, both live and studio, so of course his "home system" is really a studio system ( all digital. Still having heard what he has, it begs the question, why not combine nice inputs ( turntable/cart, Cd etc. ) with a nice line preamp and some Mackie or Genelec biamp powered monitors. Should allow for excellent imaging, great detail, ability to tailor the sound to the room, and at a realatively low cost. Has anyone tried this? Experience?
The main negative is you get what is on the source - that is the main goal of monitors - mistakes in recordings and mixing are more obvious as that it what these speakers are designed for (low distortion and high dynamic range). You can hear all kinds of detail and where bits and pieces have been spliced in a studio. An over compressed pop recording will sound harsh and unpleasant but a good recording will shine better than ever. Bass response is usually tight and detailed or "thin" and without the usual warm lush or richly harmonically distorted sound that is more prevalent in consumer designs, depending on your tastes this can be less enjoyable.

A second negative is that many of these monitors are designed for near field listening with narrow dispersion. These are not well suited to a domestic environment where you want great sound over a wide area (rather than one spot). A few are designed with wider dispersion such as the Genelec's and their 8050A model which IMHO is one of the best imaging speakers period.

Finally - studio monitors vary a lot too - just like domestic designs - so you can find lush and distorted bass heavy active studio monitors also - bass sells in five minute demos and A/B's - although this is less prevalent than in domestic audio. The problem with distortion and harmonics in the bass or "one-note bass" designs is that all tracks sound the same in the bass - even if the sound is overall a pleasant coloration in a A/B test against a "thin" or accurate sounding speaker. An easy way to identify one of these speakers is to play a variety of music and observe which speaker plays the bass with the greatest variation in response rather than which speakers "sounds nicest". There is an incredible amount of detail in the bass but it is all but inaudible on the most popular "small box big sound" speakers. (Since harmonic distortion and group delay or resonance can only be added then the best speakers add none or as little as possible and allow you to hear what was actually recorded and intended by the artist/producer/engineer).
Yes, why not? It makes a great deal of sense. I've not done exactly what you're proposing, but something similar with a point source tri-amped set-up. The performance/cost ratio is very high. Getting the passive crossover out of the signal path between amp and driver is just one of the big advantages.

But you asked why NOT? Cosmetics, brand name recognition, a slightly more complex set-up.
For Pacific Island Audio and Dr. Joe - what distance to the speakers (near field) and what genre of music do you listen to ?
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My current 2-channel system is an EVS (Tweakaudio) Level-2 mod'd Oppo 970 universal player (CD, DVD, SACD, DVD-A, HDCD) using it's built-in volume contol and connected directly to a pair of Quad 12L Active speakers.

This is easily the best bang for the buck system I've ever owned. BTW, I do listen in a nearfield setup. I think the Quads may be more forgiving than a typical studio monitor. I don't get listener fatigue like I had with some previous speakers.
