Wilson sophia typically found with solid state

Just wondering are the wilson sophia's ever driven with tubes? It seems that most are running on ss. I just heard them at a show room and they are incredilbe transparent and dynamic. How do they sound with tubes?
Several Audiogoners and myself are running Lamm ML2.1's with very nice results. My close second choice would be the VTL's 450's. I heard the Ayre MXR's with an Ayre pre-amp and I like them, but I'm prefer tubes.

Good luck you have some very nice speakers - enjoy.
Yes! You will not have any problems with tubes.
The largest retailer here in Canada said most of them ended up going out with solid states even though they had a beautiful set up with VTL References MONOs. They work well with both SS or Tubes.

Everything else is as important as making a Sophia purchase,placements,cabling.....and so on. I ended up going SS myself.
I used mine with BAT 75SE for a long time. excellent, excellent combo. best sound i ever had.
i've heard the sophias sound brilliant with the VTL S-400 stereo amp - and also the new VTL 450 monos. both were paired with VTL pre-amps (7.5 & 6.5). the sophias also sound superb with the MBL 9007 monos.