Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s

If price were not a consideration and you could have any upstream electronics you choose, in 16 by 22 room, which of the following speakers would you choose and why? Magico Mini 2 , Kharma Midi Exquisite, MBL 101 E, or the Sonus Faber Amati Annaversary.
No problem Sirspeedy, yes MBL needs to lower the volume at shows so people truly can experience what the speakers can do but there still would be an issue and that being MBL gear driving them, not a fan of MBL amps.

Roypan I'm a personal user in the hobby and have no hidden agenda only say it the way it is, I never put the Magico's up for sale on Audiogon and you just contacted me out of the blue. You have no feedback and your reply seemed like you were a dealer or had another agenda, didn't really matter to me anyways I already had a buyer if I wanted to sell them within my district. Regarding my MBL's for sale you should read threads prior to this one of mine and it is clearly stated why but then again I was polite enough to have already answered your personal email to me regarding this.

Regarding reviews, shows, and showrooms I do not know which one is worse and if this is how you compare wow!

Pedrillo,based upon your comments,boy would you have loved the LeGall deal/sound!!!...Big time!!

I never stopped thinking about that LeGall set, and when I get the room I think I will go in that direction.
If it has some of the things I seem to be drawn to then it's a steal compared to mbl's.
I'm curious where Verity - say the Sarastro - fit in this pantheon of transducers.
Dev, I see that you are selling your MBL 101E's. What are you replacing them with. Husk