Easy to drive large speakers for Rock & Roll?

I am looking for a pair of easier to drive speakers for Rock music, I like to listen to my music pretty loud. I have a pair of Hyperion 938's & while I love the way these speakers can rock & go low I find them a little too bright for my tastes. I am driving them with a Rogue Atlas stereo amp using EL34's, these speakers are very easy to drive which I like. I am looking for a pair of speakers that I can drive with about 50 watts of tubes, had plenty of solid state amps & just love the magic of tubes. I like dynamic speakers with large drivers. I have had VS MK4 jr's, Vandy 2CE's, B&W's & now the Hyperions. I have heard some Klipsch speakers & don't want to really go that route either. So what are my choices in the under $2,000 range used?

I think you may have posted on this 'brightness' once before. Honestly, that's way weird to me. I also have a pair of Hyp 938s - the second pair I've owned - and they're just anything but. The are extremely smooth and the treble is NEVER harsh or forward. I have six pairs of speakers in the house now, all highly regarded, and the 938s are the 2nd-cheapest of the bunch. I won't say they're the best, or that they have no weaknesses, but they ARE the ones that NEVER sound bright!

I drive them with 16W 211 SET amps which do a superb job.
Paul I don't believe I have mentioned it before but regardless I do find the speakers very impressive, I do enjoy them but maybe they are a little too forward for my tastes. Regardless, I am not sure there is a suitable replacement that will be as easy to drive & as dynamic for the same money.