Gradient Helsinki

Hello. Has anyone tried the new Gradient Helsinki speakers? They look fabulous and are produced by a reputable's hard not to be interested. Thanks.
I have a pair here loaned from the distributor, I have just had a couple of
hours with them and I will definitely post something more formal later - first

- The speaker MUST be toed-in to achieve the best bass response and
integration with the rest of its drivers - the best position was close to 45
degrees (where one can see just a slice of the magnet of the bass driver).

- The Helsinkis have a short height, but the drivers are tilted, so I got very
good scenario height and focus with a very credible soundstage.

- I would rank them 8/10 in tonality (my SF Guarneru are a tad better), with
an 8/10 freq response (better bass than the SF and ery integrated as well).

- Dynamics are fine without being explosive, low coloration (better that my
Avantgarde UNOs in this regard) BUT instrument size and vocals are smaller
than real-life (again, I still need to play around with positioning and more
time to form a base of judgement here).

Nice speaker - Price perfomance as-of-tofay is 6/10.

More later
"Nice speaker - Price perfomance as-of-tofay is 6/10."


I agree 100%. Based on performance, fit & finish these speakers are way over priced. Glad I sold mine.

Check all the philips head screws/allen head fasteners including those on the bottom of the base.

Everything on my pair was loose.

PS- if you move them to 45 degrees, you need to listen in the nearfield.
Well - I have decided to pass on the Helsinkis, they are indeed a good design and worths a listen to anyone looking for a well integrated, almost full range and odd-looking speaker.

My reference (Sonus Faber Guarneri) was just a high standard for the Helsinkis, in my room and with my system there were no contest.
