I had a pair that I powered with a Bryston 4B rated at 250wpc that really played into the strengths of the Vandy's- clean fast bass response. You can use a 100 wpc amp but unless it is a nice tube amp I think you will be leaving alot of the Vandy's great sounding bass on the table. I originally powered them with a 60 wpc tube amp and they sounded great, I had no problems at all. When I went to the Bryston they really started to sing. I think they are a great speaker and If you drive them with some good clean power they will reward you with music that sounds like it comes from a much more expensive speaker. I'll second what Timrhu wrote- the Vandy's are VERY sensitive to placement, front to back tilt also. Take your time and you will be rewarded.
They are big, heavy and not particularly stylish, but if you can work around that they will make some great music. Good like with yours.