best speakers on AGON for about $500

Here's the story. My father loves Jazz and Blues. He still owns many old LP's dating back to his single days in the sixties. Back then he had a Sansui Receiver, Sansui record player, and a pair of Acoustic Research AR3's. Since 40 or so years have gone by, he has nothing left except the LP's and no way to listen to them (it's been this way for about 20 years).
A couple of months ago, while listening to my own system, I remembered how much he liked his music. So, I thought, why not put together a budget system for him for a Christmas Present.
So far the only thing I have bought is a B&K Pro10mc Preamplifier. I plan to pair it with something along the lines of a B&K ST-140,ST-202, EX442, etc. It's just a matter of time before I buy one of these amps mentioned.
This post is to try to get some opinions of speakers available here on AGON now, or commonly available for about $500 give or take. Not interested in rare hard to find speakers. Just ones I will have a chance of getting in a timely manner. A few names that come to mind are EPOS, Vienna, Usher, Quad, Paradigm and more. What do you think would pair nicely with these electronics and his old LPs? Keep in mind I'm not interested in rare hard to find speakers. Just ones I will have a chance of getting in a timely manner here on AGON/Ebay. Thanks for the input.
Jdfelice, based on what you've said about the room and listening priorities (imaging and soundstage), I'd say the Magnepan MMG's should be at the top of your list. They're available NEW with 60 day no-fuss return policy for only $50 above your price limit.

Good Point Michael. I'll check into them some more. At one time I was very interested in these for myself, I just could not accommodate the placement requirements.
Was going to suggest Vandersteen 1Cs until I read the high frequency issue. Actually I'd still recommend them but I replaced a pair of Paradigm Studio 60s a few years back with the 1Cs because I thought the Paradigms had a little too much energy in the upper freqs. Good luck and let me say it's a wonderful gesture on your part.
If you really want to save some dough and still have great sound, I'd suggest the Sound Dynamics 300ti that are for sale on the GON right now in Florida. He is only asking $200.00 for the pair which is a very good price! (I don't know the seller) I recommended a pair of these for a friend who paid $350.00 and he loves them. Check out the reviews in the Absolute Sound.
Those Sound Dynamics 300ti's for $200 is a great deal. One could likely live with those speakers for a long time to come...