Jeff Rowland

I recently replaced my Parasound A21 with a JR M525. It has taken my system to new levels: soundstaging, spacing between instruments, tonality, and a natural midrange. The M525 is the first amp I've ever owned that presents a 3 dimensional soundstage. All that being said, now I wonder what improvements going from the M525 to the JR S2 integrated or bridged M525s will yield? Is it a night and day difference? Are bridged M525 better than the S2? My system: Aerial 7Ts, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Bryston BDP-2, and all Wireworld Silver 7 cables.
Al, thank you. You have done your usual stellar job of research, before providing a helpful and informative answer.

It looks like the only issue will be the output impedence of my Transcendent Sound GG preamp. I used a 100 ohm Goldpoint stepped attenuator, what comes in the kit is 200 ohms.

Al, your idea of trying one speaker in bridge mode is a good one, I believe I'll try that this evening, and see how it goes.

Thanks and regards,

Ricred1, I stated 22% loudness increase, but it would be true for 2x loudness. I forgot that bridging doubles the output voltage, thus quadruples the power. In such case you can count on (substantial) 49% loudness increase. Speaker's minimum impedance remains the problem.

L=k^(1/3.5) where L=loudness, k=ratio of power.

A sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. This thread is representative of how posting a question can be of least to me! I asked the same question to Jeff Rowland technical support and a dealer. I'm disappointed that they didn't take the time to look up my speakers and explain why bridging the 525s may not be the best option.
Ricred1, I found them very eager to help. Perhaps it was just the particular support person. Fortunately we have this forum to learn and share
Well I'm 95% sure I'm going to get a Capri S2. I love my current sound, but I go direct from my Directstream DAC to the M525. I need the additional gain from adding a preamp. I just hope adding the S2 doesn't degrade the sound.