Jeff Rowland

I recently replaced my Parasound A21 with a JR M525. It has taken my system to new levels: soundstaging, spacing between instruments, tonality, and a natural midrange. The M525 is the first amp I've ever owned that presents a 3 dimensional soundstage. All that being said, now I wonder what improvements going from the M525 to the JR S2 integrated or bridged M525s will yield? Is it a night and day difference? Are bridged M525 better than the S2? My system: Aerial 7Ts, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, Bryston BDP-2, and all Wireworld Silver 7 cables.
Ricred1, I found them very eager to help. Perhaps it was just the particular support person. Fortunately we have this forum to learn and share
Well I'm 95% sure I'm going to get a Capri S2. I love my current sound, but I go direct from my Directstream DAC to the M525. I need the additional gain from adding a preamp. I just hope adding the S2 doesn't degrade the sound.
Hi Richard, I do not expect Capri S2 to degrade the sound, but it is likely to modify the tembre very subtly.... Based on my memory of Continuum S2, which includes the Capri S2 linestage circuit, Sound might become slightly warmer, and probably the bass might acquire a little more body.... All of this after appropriate break-in of course.

If you get Capri S2, will you also get the $400 DAC card for it? I have heard that it is quite a treat!

Hi Ricred1,
I used to own the Capri S2 with the DAC card option. Since you already have the PS DS DAC, the dac card option would be redundant. That said, my experience with the Capri S2 while I had it was pleasant until I replaced it with the Ayre K-5xeMP preamp. The problem with thinking that something is good is that you don't know what you are missing until you have tried something else. With the Ayre preamp in the chain, the loss of dynamics, transparency, resolution and extension in the highs with the Capri S2 all becomes woefully apparent. My humble advice is, if you can, to audition at home in your system both the Ayre and Capri S2 before pulling the trigger.
Regards. J.
Slightly warmer is fine, I don't want to loose detail, imaging, or the three dimensional soundstage. I already have a PS Audio Directstream DAC; therefore I don't need the DAC card. If your suggesting the DAC card is as good as my DAC, I would just get the S2 continuum with DAC card, because I could sell my DAC and M525. I want to do what make the most sense to improve the sound, but I don't have an unlimited budget.