That is just about the strangest thing i have ever read, my experince is the exact opposit.
I have demoed the elipsa cremona M and auditor cremona M, against the orginal cremona all well runned in at least 7 times with various different amps and sources and the very thing I dislikede most with the new sonus fabers are the aggresiv trebel region .
I have sensitiv ears also and the org cremona on the other hand is a very seductiv speaker in this region, yet still lest the detajls through and that very very rare.
At the time i was offerd to buy new org cremona and new cremona M at the same price , and bourgt the org cremona because it was the better speaker espicialy for my gear and the seductiv balanced sound.
The org cremona is a special speaker, very responsiv to what to drive it with, it will sound slow dark and muddy with the wrong gear but try with somthing like linn klimax and you will be in musical heaven.
The new sounded more or less the same no matter what amp we tried it with and that was great hifi, amazing bass hot trebel and not very musical.
The review you refere to are the elipsa (same tweeter as the M`S) and both stereophil and hificlube both bashed the elipsa for being to aggresiv and producing surthen unwanted frq in the trebel region just like i heard it and other to.
Try reading the reviews for the orginal cremona ,stereophil quate, Do you have a bad case of high-tech, metal-dome tweeteritis? Sonus Faber offers a cure. In the midrange and treble, the Cremona reminded me of a Sonus Faber minimonitor.
My dealer wich is very alternativ (so is his prices) tells me that alot of german SF dealers are complaning about the new sonus faber sound because of the lean sound espicialy in the trebel region ,and are looking for somthing to replace them , this was what the old sonus fabers where so special at , complet earpleasing sound you can listen to forever.
With all do respect it almost seems that you are mistaken the org for the new.