The closest approach...really

I recently purchased a pair of Gradient SW-63 woofers for my Quad ESL 57, and I this is so far the closest approach to the real thing that I've ever experienced. The midrange is probably the best possible, with Quads' holographic properties most audiophiles are familiar with. The micro-detail is also superb. The Gradient woofers add a very competent, tight, and fast bass. I believe this combination is hard to beat at any price. Does anyone think this combination can be beat?
Grant, I wouldn't say that I'm a bright guy. But, based on that Marilyn Lange exchange we had way back, I would say that you know me very well. And, you read me exactly right here today.

Newbee, this time, it was worded exactly as it was meant.
Post removed 
i appreciate your apology, trelja. it shows me you are willing to admit you made an error.

you made another error when you assumed that i would seek assistance to carry out the test i had proposed.
i only suggested a test of a hypothesis.

i have at least 30 would be assistants in the ny area, members of audio clubs, who would assist me, if necessary.

thanks again for your humility and thanks for your concern about my welfare.
>>i have at least 30 would be assistants in the ny area<<

I thought Giuliani chased the street people out a few years ago.
Mrtennis, "i have at least 30 would be assistants in the ny area, members of audio clubs, who would assist me, if necessary."

It's amazing what you can get the hookers to do these days. Well, I guess so long as they're getting paid...

OK, enough levity. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't such a wiseacre. It limits me in that I miss out on being invited to events like this - one of the truly historic moments in audio. I only pray it might be taped, and put up on youtube to be available to the great unwashed such as myself.

For a while, I used to question the direction audio could move in wake of the loss of such lions of the industry as Bud Fried, David Hafler, Jason Bloom, etc. But, after this thread, no more!