The closest approach...really

I recently purchased a pair of Gradient SW-63 woofers for my Quad ESL 57, and I this is so far the closest approach to the real thing that I've ever experienced. The midrange is probably the best possible, with Quads' holographic properties most audiophiles are familiar with. The micro-detail is also superb. The Gradient woofers add a very competent, tight, and fast bass. I believe this combination is hard to beat at any price. Does anyone think this combination can be beat?

Funny you chose Soundlabs as your "compromise". I have reached the same conclusion: If I go with ESLs, they'll be Soundlabs (or is that "Sound Labs"?) for the same reason. Now I just gotta figure out where to put 2 giant panels and I'm all set.

BTW I believe that MBL is a uniquely "love 'em AND hate 'em" product. What they do well is important to me and they do it better than any other speaker I've heard, However, the stuff that is very important to me, they do unacceptably. Love 'em AND hate 'em. Ultimately, won't buy 'em.

It is Sound Labs, however (: and yea, they do squash the room sort of and we better not speak of the WAF problems they might stir up. However they are absolutely perfect for infield listening, throw a great soundstage where they disappear in...and they are STATORS. ((:
All right, guys, my main takeaway from this very interesting thread (beyond the philosophical questions we've been discussing) is that I am probably stuck for a long time here (although I really like the way the Gradient Helsinki look, not to speak of some Sonus Faber's and one day or another I might give it a try...). I still have some tweaking to do with the electronics -- my power amp, the EAR 890, is just superb, but the preamp, an old SS Klyne, may not be the best fit. Looks like a Shindo preamp might be my next upgrade.