Parasound halo JC2 what a joke

Had a jc2 power button fail because the glue that mounted it on fell off ! I guess they glue the input and power buttons on to the face plate . So I sent it out to get fixed , $175.00 with shipping and the repair shop put a small scratch in the face plate . The repair shop is like that must have been there I didn't do it . I call parasound and talked to the owner he said he would talk to the repair shop and call me back . 2 weeks later I called him back and he thinks i'm pulling a fast one on him or something ! If I dinged the front I would have said put a new 1 on . I drive a new caddy I think I can afford it ass$#@# .
Besides no real audiophile drives around in a Cadillac.

If it doesn't make sense it's not true. - Judge Judy
"I'm surprised with how hot the amps and preamps get that there aren't more failures"

Great....more misinformation introduced to the thread. My A21 doesn't even get warm, even after playing for 10 hours straight, which it does quite often while powering electrostats.
My A21 does not get hot at all, even if I use them for 3-4 hours continuously. Can you list down your system. Are you sure everything is right in it?
You just have 2 threads here and are not off on a good start. Your thread on AA mentioned that you forgot your password. And your username was "transam" before you lost your password. So you registered as transam9957 there and here you chose to be different? Really?
This whole thing is becoming a joke. The OP is obviously a troll. Dissing the customer service, which those of us that own Parasound and have corresponded with them know is absolute bull, I'm beginning to dis-believe this entire glue story after his further assertion of Parasound components getting too hot, which is also total bull....give me a break. And you have owned exactly how many Parasound components to make this claim? You are the joke and congrats in pulling us all in to your little charade. To add further to the charade is the Cadillac reference....ha ha....what are you 85 yrs old? Like a Caddy is the ultimate ride now days? Yeah,right :^ /
I can afford a brand new Caddy (which means exactly what?) but yet I bitch about a $175 repair to a $4500 product? So if some cheap ass plastic trim falls off your Cadillac and it costs you $500 is that worth a troll thread too?