Gallos how good are they?

Just toying with the idea of getting these speakers.
I like the sound of the mbl's and the gallos speakers were mentioned as a more affordable option.
I am spoiled with the merlins I now own for 3 or 4 years, they do most everything right, I consider them as one of the best speakers out there.
But I just heard the 116's again and I like their sound, it's the imaging thing I like. I consider the merlins in the same league just different.
One other note: my merlins will sound even better when I get a bigger room, hence the mbls would need that too and so too would the gallos. My room is about 11'x 15'.
Thanks for any input, by the way the merlins are staying, the gallos would be a second system.
Hi PEdrillo,

I sought out and auditioned the Gallo Reference speaks when last shopping for speaks + liked them very much. Didn't have a chance to listen in great detail though.

I did like Quad electrostats the same dealer had better, but these cost 5X as much as the Gallos.

I ended up buying the Ohm Walsh (f)5s Series 3. With sale price, trade ins and such these ended up costing me about the same as would have the Gallos. After living with these for a year, I'd assert these are superior to either Quad or Gallo, which are two of my favorite more esoteric designs.

Consider also Ohm 100s Series 3 which could be had new with nice cabinets and with no financial risk if not satisfied for under $2K. These are probably closer in design and sound to the MBLs you covet, are easier to place compared to pure omnis relative to walls, and you could end up saving considerable $$$$s down the road by not feeling a need to go MBL.

The Gallos are indeed excellent and represent a bargan for their price, however they have their caveats.

The image height is a bit low, the the extreme treble is polite, they do throw a very panoramic image.
I tried the Gallos 3.1s a few years back and thought they were fantastic. With the optional sub amp, they really were a great full-range speaker, great dynamics, and threw off and an enormous soundstage. As Audiofreakgeek mentioned though, the image is low. The IsoRock stands really help that though. I thought that Gallo should include them with the speakers.

Go ahead try it, you can always turn around and sell them if you don't like them.

good luck!!!!!!