How would you run an audio salon?

Just wondering, as an audiophile how would you set up an audiophile shop?
I have got some ideas but will post them later except to say I would limit the number of brands and try my best to get it to sound its very best.
if i go to an audio dealer and detect that he is a selling a product he doesn't like, i won't buy it from him, period.

there is too much salesmanship and hype and too much bull.

i wouldn't go to a chevy dealer to buy a cadillac.

so, if i carried brand x,y and z and a potential customer had no interest in x, y and z, the customer would shop elsewhere.

another example, i would stop patronizing a restaurant, if i observed the owner eating at another establishment.

i don't think it's about salesmanship. it's about letting the customer decide for hi/herself, without the salesmanship. the performance of a product should sell itself.

i guess i have a different philosophical approach than most people.
I am with Mrtennis here. Lets say a complete HiFi novice, but great salesman opened a store and an Audiophile with no sales experience. Who do you think will succeed?
Sure, you have to have some sales skills, but the salesman will only sell once to a newbee. Audio is'nt selling baked beans, if I go into a store, I will have questions about a product someone is selling, if I get flannel back, I am out of the door.
As far as kit to stock is concerned, you can not stock only stuff you like, but you can only stock from companies you respect, have a long track record and give customer support. How are you going to know who those companies are unless you have been round the block? Most customers are'nt fools and I hope most audiophiles with a significant sum to spend, are'nt. Do you think we can not distinguish a knowledgeable enthusiast from a salesman, whose last job was selling baked beans. If you can't, perhaps you should'nt be allowed out with your credit card. Should I get a hard sell in an audio store, by someone denigrating my kit and other manufacturers, I will not be going back.
"naked -you are the poster child for average salesman of the year." (Dave b)

I wholeheartedly agree Dave b! Yes, I fancy myself no salesman. That's why I'll be paying "quality" salesman to do my work for me.
I'll DEFINITELY be letting the pro's do their job! And I'll be the master manipulator behind the scenes - taking in all their hard earned bucks! - lol.

"this is a hobby and a passion so a run of the mill salesman is GOING TO DRIVE MANY TRUE AND INTELLIGENT AUDIOPHILES AWAY."

GOOD! Yes, DO Definitely drive all those "audiohiles" out of MY store - you bet!!! A store full of audiophiles is a store full of CHATTY CATHY'S - all standing around reminiscing about vinyl and tube amplifiers - who will all end up wasting your time, using your systems (and store) to audition gear that they will DEFINITELY be shopping for on the net anyway!!!...not spending a dime in your store! I know, because after working in numerous chain and hi-end salons over the decades, I've seen these jokers waste more salesman's time than all other customers combined!(potential, rather. What a joke!) And not just mine, but EVERY SALESPERSON'S I've ever seen have to deal with em's time too!
Yep, I say get rid of ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of the audiphiles from ANY STORE YOU PLAN ON OWNING - you bet ya! (lol)
Yes, I'm an audiophile. And I wouldn't want to sell to me, either! - lol. Infact, my store would go out of business if all my buyers were...ehem....audiophylis'ssesses! YUCK!!!
Yeah, give me a steady traffic of "Consumer Reports" readers, family of 4's, New home-buyer couples, and young Yuppie enthusiests with too much money to burn - EVERY TIME!
Those ARE your buyers, right there.

Just as soon as the $$$ is in place, a location is found, (I'm thinking by the MLB OR nhl teams' digs... they have the longest season)and merchandise is lined up... also, given all the input here I think we ought to have a car audio salon, car wash & detail immediately adjacent (and run strickly by great looking and scantily clad gals and MAYBE ONE guy... women spend money too), and a pool hall upstairs... just to be on the safe side.

ps... if the pool hall doesn't prove out, we can put a firing range and sell guns... with high end conditioners, er, uh, that's silencers, in lay terms.
car wash & detail immediately adjacent (and run strickly by great looking and scantily clad gals

That will scare all the audiophiles customers away! Are you crazy?

You need a dingy, poky place, cluttered with vinyl and CD's and gear strewn about everywhere - that is how you get the right kind of customers. The ones that return time and time again and hang around your store for hours, agonizing over all the upgrades, latest models, oxygen free cables, interconnects, cleaning fluid or anti-static devices. You know - the kind of guys who can't ever make up their mind and stick with something - those who are always down in the basement tweaking gear - the kind that are always extremely insecure and scared of talking to beautiful girls...and a commitment. The kind of guys who associate "fluid" with "meticulously cleaning their vinyl" (not bodily fluids)and "contact" as something between a cable and an amp (not two people).... guys whose idea of "a weekend of adventure" is a replacing an interconnect...

Anyone starting an audio store needs to read this book first!