Hello Spikedart,
Yes, we do have some re-manufactured A's and the new TLS-II series as well. The A set is available for $13.5K and the new TLS-II's are by order only starting at $16.5K
Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of time right now, but I suspect that the sloppy movement you may have encountered was due to the very soft almost silken spiders and poor support the original F's suffered from rather profusely.
It surprises me sometimes just how the old units played, since most of the time they were hanging half way out of the magnetic gap and flopped around like a flag in the breeze.
Our new units are not like that at all. Still they retain +/- 1/2 inch of X-Max travel when needed.
At some point I will address the movement of a piston driver both compressing and rarefying air in its movement and producing a positive or negative wave front at far less than the speed of sound. In comparison, the Walsh style driver is around 5.5 times the speed of sound
Until the next time...
Good listening to all.
Yes, we do have some re-manufactured A's and the new TLS-II series as well. The A set is available for $13.5K and the new TLS-II's are by order only starting at $16.5K
Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of time right now, but I suspect that the sloppy movement you may have encountered was due to the very soft almost silken spiders and poor support the original F's suffered from rather profusely.
It surprises me sometimes just how the old units played, since most of the time they were hanging half way out of the magnetic gap and flopped around like a flag in the breeze.
Our new units are not like that at all. Still they retain +/- 1/2 inch of X-Max travel when needed.
At some point I will address the movement of a piston driver both compressing and rarefying air in its movement and producing a positive or negative wave front at far less than the speed of sound. In comparison, the Walsh style driver is around 5.5 times the speed of sound
Until the next time...
Good listening to all.