Preamp for Bryston 4B SST2

I have the following system

Squeezebox Touch >> Metrum Octave DAC >> Benchmark DAC 2 Pre (analog inputs) >> Bryston 4B SST2 >> Dynaudio x12 (soon to be Revel f208)

The benchmark is out of my main system and simply sounds stunning in the system. The resolution, clarity and musical tonality it produces is amazing. I have a song by Avalon called El'Shaddai simply puts the vocalist and acoustic guitar right in the room and I use it as my number one reference song. This system needs a preamp with more that the two analog inputs of the Benchmark and must have a remote to control both source and volume.

Swapping out the benchmark with a the highly regarded Classe CP50 creates a beautiful tube like sound that sounds ok on some songs but totally ruins my reference song. It simply adds way too much warmth into a system that does not need warming up. The Metrum DAC provides all the richness and analog like tonality that the system needs.

Replacing the Benchmark with the Bryston B100 SST in preamp mode is much better then the Classe but still does not achieve the stunning clarity of the benchmark preamp. Even b100 preamp adds a bit of warmth to the sound that is simply not needed in this system.

The only Bryston pre that has a full function remote is the BP-17. Will this sound better then the pre in the B100? (Less warmth, more resolving and more clarity) It is based on the B135 so it is newer.,,

Other then that I don't know what my options are for a pre that will match the clarity of the Benchmark and have remote that controls sources and volume? Would the Rotel 1570 come close or is it not even in the same ball park?

Any ideas???

Thank you

James Tanner told me the circuit in the BP6 is very similar to the BP26 with the main differences being the latter's outboard power supply and balanced connections, which would concur with Jaxwired's findings above. I have the BP6 also and agree with others that it is above all neutral, detailed, and transparent. Adding warmth is not in its DNA. I've not heard it, but I'm thinking the Benchmark may possibly be a little on the lean side, which is a combo that might just be working for your tastes and in the context of your system.

You don't mention what cable/interconnects you're using, but that could also be a part of the equation depending on what you have. Anyway, best of luck.
Isn't the BP6 based on the preamp in the B60 SST - which is the same as the pre in the B100 SST?

I believe so. I'm not 100 perecent sure, however. You might wanna double check with Bryston on that one.
I think the Benchmark could sound lean with some sources, especially many digital sources. I think a better word for it is transparent. If your source is lean your sound will be as well. Even though the benchmark is extremely transparent, it does not mess up the still sounds very musical.

I had forgotten about an ATC CA2 preamp I heard a few years ago. I was very impressed with the system sound (all ATC). I'm thinking it might rival the benchmark in transparency???

BTW, thank you for all your responses. I have eliminated Bryston from my list based on the reply's. Even though I know it I really good, It's not exactly what I'm looking for.
No problem. Sounds good. ATC makes killer stuff, not just speakers. All of it is top notch.