Actually I have no problems with the 1.7's sounding shrill... every shrillness concern I had with them resolved to be caused by other components. But full disclaimer also... I replaced many of the "no name" original crossover capacitors in my 1.7's with Clarity CAP ESA's and Mundorf Supremes
The original reviewer criticisms of the PL Premium integrated were 2 fold (1) weak lower octave (2) a dissatisfaction with ability to resolve at lower volume levels. KT-150's have addressed the bass short comings but I fully agree that you can't get good enjoyment with the amp at less than "robust" volume... my old Hafler did better at low volumes.
The original reviewer criticisms of the PL Premium integrated were 2 fold (1) weak lower octave (2) a dissatisfaction with ability to resolve at lower volume levels. KT-150's have addressed the bass short comings but I fully agree that you can't get good enjoyment with the amp at less than "robust" volume... my old Hafler did better at low volumes.