Which amp to buy? ARC GS150 or Reference 150 SE?

So any thoughts on which sounds better? I like the meters on the ARC GS150 (easier for bias adjustments) but the Reference 150 has no meters. How much of a pain is it to bias the Ref 150? Do I need an external meter to bias the Ref 150?
At the level you are looking at, it's all good. ARC, however, has been around a long time and will be around in the future should you need servicing or take advantage of upgrades as they become available. Also, the GS series is just so good looking (personal opinion). Matched up with an ARC preamp of the same series and you are at the top of the audio world. You could spend more, and get less at this point.
Joeinid, what are you looking for in sound quality from the ARC components as opposed to your CJ gear? I'm getting restless myself and both brands interest me.
Hello Zd542,

My speakers are Sonus Faber Strads and Harbeth 40.1's. My Strads are my primary speakers and I swap in the 40.1's for variety. A friend wants my 40.1's and will probably sell them when he's ready. Future replacement speakers are unknown at this point.


Every time I go back to my Conrad Johnson gear, it makes me realize how good it sounds. I do like the variety of different gear, but never lived with ARC. A friend had it and it was great but can not comment on how it differed from my CJ gear because the systems were totally different. I do feel that my CJ gear is a touch sweeter, which I love. The ARC gear may be more of an experiment but have other friends that swear by it.