Single driver speakers - opinions

1.Design - what is IYO the best design and why?
2.Sound - How would you describe the sound in comparison to other speaker designs?
3.Amplification - what works and what doesn't?
4.Is the WAF stopping your from moving in that direction?
What do you like or dislike about SD spks?
DIY v.s Commercial designs - Pros and Cons.

Feel free to express yourself and your thoughts about the Single Driver design speakers in this thread.

Ideas, your projects, pics, experiances are all fun and welcome.

From my experiance with at least two SD commercial design that actually worked like a charm, I have to say that I am seriously concidering it as my next DIY project.

Awesome speakers when done right.

If all the hi-fi 'brains' leave this site, we will end up talking about cars, food, bikes, drink and other drivel subjects etc.
It will be a sad day indeed.
"Mariusz - he is my countryman as well but he operates in Massachusetts and it is not walking distance from where I am. I will take you on this offer - didn't you say 75% discount?

Mariusz - That's great! I read Stereophile review of 707 speakers. Have you heard them? The other option is to keep modifying my current speakers but I have already problems with new tweeter (Morel Supreme 110). Maybe two Fostex unit could replace speakers I have. Size is pretty much the same and the box is very rigid (Paradigm Studio/60).
Couple years back (I think in 2007), during N.Y Home Entertainment Show if memory serves me right - I audition Lipinski speakers and met the man himself.
From what I've heard, it was one of the few positive demonstrations over the 2 days period spend at the Hyatt hotel. My impression (then) of Lipinski speakers reflect those found in Stereophile review - accuracy, lock of coloration, delicacy and dynamics when called for. Of course with use of his own subs and paired with SS mono-block amps.....which but away , you can all have in the sweetest deal ever.

Or you can wait few months and I will inform you and ask you to hear for yourself - brand new speakers that hopefully will turn heads ( at very reasonable price I might add).

Jeff (Cardersound),
The Frugal Horn website shows a modelled frequency response curve for the Sachiko, on which the Madison is based I believe. The curve has some mean dips in the lower mid-range area. Can you tell me to what these are due? Are they artifacts of modelling? Do they show up in real life?