"Mariusz - he is my countryman as well but he operates in Massachusetts and it is not walking distance from where I am. I will take you on this offer - didn't you say 75% discount?Kijanki"
Single driver speakers - opinions
Mariusz - That's great! I read Stereophile review of 707 speakers. Have you heard them? The other option is to keep modifying my current speakers but I have already problems with new tweeter (Morel Supreme 110). Maybe two Fostex unit could replace speakers I have. Size is pretty much the same and the box is very rigid (Paradigm Studio/60). |
Couple years back (I think in 2007), during N.Y Home Entertainment Show if memory serves me right - I audition Lipinski speakers and met the man himself. From what I've heard, it was one of the few positive demonstrations over the 2 days period spend at the Hyatt hotel. My impression (then) of Lipinski speakers reflect those found in Stereophile review - accuracy, lock of coloration, delicacy and dynamics when called for. Of course with use of his own subs and paired with SS mono-block amps.....which but away , you can all have in the sweetest deal ever. Or you can wait few months and I will inform you and ask you to hear for yourself - brand new speakers that hopefully will turn heads ( at very reasonable price I might add). Cheers Mariusz |
Jeff (Cardersound), The Frugal Horn website shows a modelled frequency response curve for the Sachiko, on which the Madison is based I believe. The curve has some mean dips in the lower mid-range area. Can you tell me to what these are due? Are they artifacts of modelling? Do they show up in real life? |
TBone, the curve also seem to indicate a 10db drop from 90Hz to 50Hz, but in reality my Madisons are very strong in the bottom. I can easily compare them with my HT speakers which are Meadowlark Shearwaters which are rated -3db at 34Hz. Obviously my ears arent SPL meters, so it may be that the attenuation at the bass, and the dips you refer to, are present and I am not hearing them. To my ears the Madison are some of the very best speakers I have heard bar none. But then I am biased as I own a pair :-). Regards Paul |